On my 27th


364 days out of 365,

I am content to stop after one [generously frosted] wedge of cake.


the first one is pure and true,

the most intense and lusty.


But today,


my birthday,

the day my mother sweetly recalls that I sashayed into the world, “all lips with wild black hair, so very Betty Boop,” and asserts, “I wasn’t certain you were mine,”


followed closely by,

“But now I’m pretty sure.”



I eat two wedges.*


Just to prove I’m hers.


*And by two I mean three. 



92 thoughts on “On my 27th

  1. Lozzz123

    Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday on Sunday and I’ve been trying to eat healthily lately (in part thanks to the encouragement that is your blog), but similarly to you I think on my day I will give myself permission to have some of my favourite chocolates and lollies. It makes the day and the food seem much more special if those things are saved instead of eaten like that all the time :)

  2. Amy

    Happy Birthday Andie!!!
    Every girl deserves to eat a few more wedges of cake on her birthday! Enjoy every bite and have a wonderful day!

  3. Lu

    My birthday was last Sunday. I knew we had more than a love for food in common. Happy birthday you talented, beautiful, funny woman! You totally brighten my day.

  4. Sarah

    Happy Birthday to You! And just to show that we are such good new friends, I celebrated with you, thats just the kind of friend I am ;)

  5. katie

    Oh my goodness–HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDIE!!! You are a beautiful soul, your words are lovely, and your generous kindness and gentle understanding reaches out of your blog and touches so many hearts.

    I recently received an email from YOU responding to comments I had posted weeks ago, and I want to tell you, it meant so, so very much–the acknowledgment, the gratitude, the effort. Thank you. :)

    I just read your post from your 2011 faves, “Why Blogging Saved Me”… and I wanted to tell you–cliche as it might sound–your blogs save me, in ways big and small, every time I read your words. I recommend you to all my friends, speak of you as if we’re real-life acquaintances, and absolutely cannot wait for your book.

    Cheers to you, my dear! And as always, thanks for sharing.

    With much adoration,
    Katie :)

  6. Kim

    Happy Birthday! I just subscribed to your blog. This was the first one I received. My birthday is Friday. I already know that you wish me the best so there’s no need to send a card.

  7. johnny


    Eat that third piece and be proud, you have touched so many people in your very short life time. Keep it up, there are so few people in this world who truly make a difference AND YOU ARE VERY NEAR THE TOP OF THAT LIST!!!!

    Lots of Love and enjoy this day!!! :)

  8. Pam

    Happy Birthday Andie! I feel like I’m the one that’s received a gift in finding your blog! Many blessings on your special day.

  9. Penny Laschanzky

    I may have missed it by a day (was your big day on the 24th, I wonder?) but regardless….have a terrific day, celebrate being alive, healthy, and happy! And, as others have said, enjoy the extra cake knowing that you are an inspiration to so many out here in “blog land”. Happy days!

    1. admin

      Thanks so much Penny!!

      Nope, you didn’t miss it- I just published this post before bed last night. Today, the 25th, is my birthday :)

  10. Lanae

    Happy Birthday! You are one special soul. I recently found your blog and have to say that every morning I start my day with inspiration and awe thanks to you. Thank you for that gift.

  11. Meg

    Happy Happy Birthday, my new BFF (just in case you forgot ;)) I know you enjoyed every bite of every piece of cake!

    Have a beyond blessed day <3

  12. Anna

    Happy birthday! You’re so beautiful and it’s such an inspiration (and relief!) to know you still eat cake! Wishing you every blessings!

  13. Abby

    I hope you’re having a wonderful birthday! What’s your 2nd favorite birthday cake, you know, if you can’t get White’s? We want all the sweet details.

    Have the best day!

    1. admin

      Thanks Abby :)
      If White’s were not my drug (cake) of choice on birthdays, I would absolutely get a slice of “Adam’s Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple” cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. In love.

  14. Trish

    Happy Birthday Andie!

    Eat your slice of cake – or 5,
    hold your head high,
    tell everyone you see today it is your birthday,
    and most importantly thank you for the breath of fresh air that you are :)I love your blog.

  15. Mya

    Happy Birthday! I don’t think there are any cute or witty things left for me to say! So I simply hope you enjoy every minute of today. And thank you for being you. :)

  16. Maureen

    Happy Birthday!! And thank you for this blog. You are such an inspiration. I made your chicken parmesan wraps the other night and totally goofed them up, but my sweet husband and son ate them anyway. They “tasted” great but did not look like yours at all. Practice practice!!

  17. T

    Happy birthday, beautiful! Enjoy your special day and remember how happy you make hundreds (thousands? millions?!) of people every day, just by being you. :)

  18. Gina

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I had a dream last night that I could pick out any cake I wanted at an unknown bakery…strange! (I went for red velvet!!!)

  19. Kandyce

    A very Happy Birthday to you! Thank You so very much for this blog, you are a gifted writer and photographer and a very compassionate person.

  20. shannon

    Many happy blessings to you on your Birthday and everyday! I feel like you give me a gift everytime I see your blog in my inbox! thank you! (although I must admit I’m a little envious…so beautiful, so talented, so YOUNG!!!)

  21. jackie

    Happy Birthday, I can’t believe all this wisdom comes from a 27 year old…dang you make me feel lazy!

    PS – is that jacket an oldie from GAP? I think I have the same one!

  22. Ashley

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite blogger!!! This is so funny. I LOVE cake…possibly more than you. As I was growing up, going to birthday parties and what not, I was the kid begging for the most frosted piece, or a corner piece, and would go around asking if anyone didnt want their frosting to give it to me. Then when I was pregnant it got worse. I had two baby showers and when they were over I took all the leftover cake and ate every last bite. At work we used to celebrate eachothers birthdays and get a cake and sing and what not, but one year they made us combine birthdays for a month and instead of cake they did some kind of white chocolate fondue. I cried. Then went to the store and bought myself a cake. Now we dont celebrate birthdays at work:( Im also the kinda girl that would eat a can of frosting. Just sayin’…sisters from another mister maybe? :)

  23. Kelly

    Happy Birthday, Andie! I can’t help but think I “get” you because our birthdays are so close.

    Maybe, but maybe not. But just keep ’em coming.

  24. Liz

    happy birthday my dear “friend”! my 32nd was on monday and someone delivered a dozen trophy cupcakes to my home! eek! let’s just say i had to try each flavor…a bite of course…:)
    love your blog

  25. Mindy

    I didn’t see this post until just now – Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!

    That cake looks to die for. I love, love white cake. My biggest regret from my wedding is that I didn’t take ALL the leftovers at the end of the night. And that we didn’t just eat the top tier the next day. Because trust me, it just isn’t as good a year later.

    Have a great weekend!

  26. Linda

    Happy HAppy HAPpy HAPPy HAPPY Birthday – I’ve not been to your blog in quite some time. It appears to be moving along so very nicely! What a great thing to be helping others from your experiences! I eat two pieces on my big day too-that cake looks beautiful.

  27. Leigh Havelick

    Happy, Happy Birthday. I am just one of your many followers who happens to think YOU’RE FABULOUS. I wish you a joyful year ahead. May you continue to inspire and be inspired.

  28. LMF

    For some reason your blog posts don’t pop up in my bloglovin’ until there are 3 new ones (????), so weird. But Happy late Birthday. I hope it was wonderful!


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