How to cultivate and grow your own Chipotle habit


burrito bowl


Step 1: Go to Chipotle every day.

Step 2: Change clothing and hairstyle with rigorous frequency when you go to Chipotle every day.

Step 3: Use Chipotle’s handy nutrition calculator online to approximate the calories in your favorite menu item. Stick to that.

Step 4: Pay with a credit or debit card so as to avoid seeing the physical stream of money bleeding from your wallet.

Step 5: Love every bite, every lick, every dribble of hot salsa down your chin.


What meals are you addicted to lately?


photo by: AngryJulieMonday



40 thoughts on “How to cultivate and grow your own Chipotle habit

  1. rose

    Mmmm, I think Chipotle is definitely on the top of my list, but I would not turn down a big bowl of bibimbap or bulgogi from the local Korean deli. :)

  2. Janet Vaught

    Angel Hair Pasta sauteed with olive oil, onion, bok choy and parmesan cheese. My hubs asks for it once per week.

  3. Stephanie Rose

    Lightened Cobb Salad. I have had this for lunch every day for the past two weeks and I am still not tired of it! (I have to give credit to Panera’s Cobb Salad. It gave me the boost to lighten it up and make it myself!)

    I can only say, that it is a good thing there is not a Chipotle EASILY accesible where I work or else I would be in the same position as you are right now! Their burrito bowls had me at the guacamole.

  4. vicki

    I have recently become addicted to Chipotle as well. I go for the salad, switching up the protein each time, but always with corn salsa and about half of the container of their (spicy!) dressing.

  5. Megan (Braise The Roof)

    Chipotle is a dangerous, dangerous place. I’ve been having a weird taco obsession lately. Seriously, every time I’ve gone out to eat lately (even if it’s just to a pub), if there are tacos on the menu, I’m ordering them.

  6. Jentacular

    I’m sorry to say that I have yet to go to Chipotle, but that’s really because there are hundreds of taquerias in the SF Bay Area. I always crave a burrito and the local places do it just right.

  7. Laura


    I must admit, though, I just gained a little bit of respect for Chipotle about an hour ago. They finally agreed to sign the Fair Food Agreement and pledge to not use tomatoes harvested through slave labor. It’s about damn time!

  8. Julia

    That’s pretty funny–the only time I had a true Chipotle addiction was when I was pregnant; before that, I could take it or leave it. My husband went through a brief Chipotle love affair a few years ago and that ended up turning me off it, completely. I’ve been thinking that I may revisit and the fact that they have quite a few healthy options makes it all the more tempting. I suppose enough time has now lapsed that I can enjoy a burrito bowl, again…
    Frankly, I’m addicted to breakfast foods (I can eat it for every meal) and it need not be greasy or high in fat/calories. I love all of it.

  9. Lorraine Groves

    I have two sons who work at Chipotle, one for more than 4 years and is a manager. I only recently began to appreciate their salads. Having been to Chipotle only a dozen times or so in the last four years my last two visits I had amazing salads that left me wanting more. I finally see what all the fuss was about although it took me a while to get on the band wagon but I’m there. Although Dol Sot Bibimbap is pretty darn good too!

  10. Jennielynn

    Step 6. Download the app on your phone, allowing you to store your favorite menu item, pre-order, pre-pay and bypass the line.

    Yes, I have a Chipotle habit as well.

    1. Vanessa

      Hey Bailey,
      There is one just north of Yonge and Eglinton and also along Front St. near the Rogers Centre – hope that helps :)

  11. Michelle in N. Cal

    I love Chipotle’s salads and Baja Fresh’s too (not sure if they have them east of Cal?). Panera’s Thai chopped chicken salad is one of my very faves.

    Good to know Chipotle has the online calculator I didn’t know that.

    Have a great weekend, Andie!

  12. Bree

    I’m sooooooo addicted to Chipotle! It is so darn yummy and so extra healthy!! I would eat there every day if my wallet could afford it – I know my jeans could….cause its so darn healthy!! Thanks for sharing – now I know my addiction is not completely un-normal!

  13. Lauren Harrelson

    OH Chipotle! I’m so sad we don’t have within 100 miles. Trust me, if we did, that would NOT be deemed “too far to drive” for a lunch :)

  14. kristen @ verbs and vignettes

    :-) :-) I just went to chipotle for the first time ever Friday night!! it was incredible. I got a black bean and veggie burrito. and we ate outside. with chips and guacamole and salsa. I have not cultivated the habit, since I’ve missed 3 days. but I have big plans for the future.

  15. Amy

    Currently addicted to the following salad
    mixed greens
    yellow peppers
    creamy dressing, ranch, etc

    Don’t know why, but I can’t get enough of this

  16. Liz

    LOVE Chipotle, and love this blog Andie! Thought I’d share my thoughts on eating at Chipotle. I’ve found this meal to be the best mix of taste and calories (for when you go to Chipotle more than once a week and this isn’t a special treat for you…) YUM: salad base, fajita vegetables, chicken, corn, tomatoes, little bit of salad dressing – 440 calories

  17. Kim

    I am completely obsessed with Chipotle. However, in order to curb my habit and save some bucks, I make my own veggie chipotle bowls at home with LIME QUINOA!? Say what? Even healthier and more delish? Yes. I made a corn salsa, saute up some veggies with cumin and chili powder, make quinoa with lime, add in romaine and a salsa I have found that is very similar to Chipotle… and consume it every. single. day. Seriously. It’s my go-to lunch.

  18. Pingback: Happy Weekend | Pretty Morning

  19. queenfan

    I am also obsessed and it’s actually helped me lose and maintain weight. Not quite the success story of a certain guy and a well-known sandwich chain, but fairly significant loss none the less.

  20. Birdie

    I LOVE!!!! Chipotle!!!! It’s really expensive but definitely amazing! I try to go to Chipotle weekly and always feel guilty because it’s so good but some of it is really good for you…as long as you don’t get the chips(which I don’t) and as long as you don’t get that humongous tortilla, on Weight Watchers that tortilla kills!!!! I get a Burrito Bowl with barbacoa, brown or white rice whichever looks newly made, pinto beans(although i love black beans, they’re more points), double fajita veggies(because they are oh so amazing), all the salsa’s, lettuce, and guac on the side.

  21. Damian D.

    I love Chipotle! Unfortunately (as of the time of writing this comment) there are no Chipotle franchises here in Honolulu. So SAD. Every time that I visit the mainland, I make sure to stop by at a Chipotle. Their chips and salsa are just addicting, I get them every time. Thanks for the tip on the Chipotle’s handy nutrition calculator, that will be very useful. What’s your favorite dish there?

    1. admin

      Oh the chips and salsa are great there! I usually get the burrito bowl with brown rice, chicken, sauteed veg, pinto beans, pico de gallo, guacamole, and romaine.
      Hope you get your fix soon :)


  22. Da'Jhana

    This is an awesome caption of how I feel as a chunky monkey :) You have definitely inspired me to follow thru on my journey to lose weight!


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