Starting over in 2013

I have always loved a fresh start. Perhaps a remnant from my forever life as a dieter, I look forward to every New Year’s Day as a way to begin anew. I think about 2012 and the only thing that comes to mind is…how hard it was emotionally. Just how unbearably heavy it felt most of the way through. And though I can only really consider myself lucky– I traveled! I wrote a book! I’m alive! Frosting exists!– I still found myself floundering. Much of the heaviness had to do with having moved back to the east coast from Seattle after ending a seven year relationship–a marriage it had seemed. I felt I’d lost my life’s partner and my best friend. But it also had to do with writing a very vulnerable, very often painful memoir that forced me to really reconcile much of my past. Spending so much time inside my own head was unsettling.

The end of 2012 brings closure to a hard year for many, many people–certainly not just for me. It feels incredibly insensitive to even share my own struggle in this post when I consider all the pain that millions have suffered as recently as Newtown. Millions hurt more than me. Millions. But for the sake of honesty, I share.

I have decided that 2013 will bring with it some lightness. Some freshness. Whether or not it will actually bring these things is inconsequential when I know how hopeful I am. Because I’ve imposed all sorts of good vibes on the year ahead. I am overrun with positivity.

The key, I think, is believing that we can do better. That we can be better. That if we want to make a new start badly enough, we can. We will. This year, as a way of reflecting on the past and knowing how I want to change in 2013, I made a two-column list. The first column held all of the ways in which the past year went well, and the second column held all the ways it was challenging. When I finished, I took a long look at each. I smiled looking at the positive parts of last year. Then, focusing on the column of things that were challenging, I tried to surmise what could have gone differently to have made them less difficult. One example? Last year I worked exclusively by myself at home, writing, and all the while, I dealt with overwhelming feelings of loneliness and often boredom. In 2013, I hope to find work that draws me away from home to a social environment.

Other goals? I’m going to continue writing even when I think writing is the pits, I’m going to continue blogging and cook often enough that I can share more recipes, I’m going to meditate and practice mindfulness, I’m going to call my friends more- because I’m so, so terrible at keeping in touch, and I’m going to read more books.

I’d love to know: How was 2012 for you? Are you looking forward to starting over? Do you have any goals?



69 thoughts on “Starting over in 2013

  1. Aubrey

    Even in a short post, your writing is inspiring. I read your post about candor and sharing and although I wouldn’t change one single solitary thing about my family, my upbringing, my childhood, I do envy you the openness that seems to have been ingrained in your personality. I hope you do continue to write and bake and photograph everything, and I hope that at the end of 2013 that first column completely engulfs and overpowers the second.

    1. Lesa

      I just discovered your blog today January 2nd, 2013. I am so incredibly inspired by your journey. I have let my self become completely out of control with my eating and taking care of myself. I am spiraling downward and I need to take control. I know that your story will help me get back on track. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to finding inner peace and happiness I pray this is the year I can do it. I have to remember 1 day at a time!

      1. Reanna

        I second Lesa’s post. I found your blog less than a month ago and it is so inspiring to know that someone has been where I am and be where you are now…
        I am sorry to hear about the heartache you’ve had this year. The great thing about starting at the bottom is that the only way to go is up!
        My New Years Resolution is overall to improve my fitness. To get there I’ve broken it down into 3 things I will do to reach that goal. Maybe the 4th thing should be to not let me get in my own way.
        Happy New Year!

    2. Sarah

      Andi- thank you so much for sharing your story and being so honest with your feelings. I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey. Your list about what you miss from being fat made me laugh and cry at the same time! My goal for this year is to each day concentrate on my health! So much so that I am nick naming it my “year of health!” It is day 5 and so far I am doing great – I hope to be able to say that on day 10…

  2. Wendy

    Andie your writing is so inspiring. I look forward to more recipes and your honesty. 2012 was a good year for me. I was very inspired by your mindful eating article and plan on using that in 2013.

    As for being lonely, I can tell you where I’ve been and how far I’ve come. 2013 will mark 10 years that my fiance took his life. I was devasted and dealt with a lot of depression. I too set goals to become more social and get out with people. I’m now married to a wonderful man and have a beautiful 4 year old.

    2013 will be a year of reflection for me and a year of mindful healthy lifestyle choices. You are an amazing person that I wish I could hand with. I look forward to your book. Thank you for all you give us!

  3. Bailey @ Onederland or Bust!

    I can’t wait to start fresh in the new year. 2012 wasn’t all that bad, I lost 35lbs and ran a few 5ks. I still have a long way to go in the weight loss department, but I think 2013 is going to be my year :)

    I can’t wait to read your book!

  4. Christine

    I feel like I can relate in so many ways to your post. Just like you, I am looking to 2013 with a positive feel and I also agree that new starts are refreshing and very much needed mentally. My main focus for the new year is to develop my relationships with others more, to soak up the environment around me and to be an all around healthy-happy person without being too hard on myself.
    Happy New Year! :)

  5. Michelle in N. Cal

    Loved that post – your writing is wonderful. 2012 was very challenging for me too. I am not making any resolutions this New Year’s. Still, I am hopeful 2013 will be better. I’ve had to learn something? <3 and hugs!

  6. Karen

    2012 was a very bad but very good year. There were so many ups and downs involved. This year, I am hoping to just be able to finally get on track with working out. Keeping it simple :)and a fresh start is always nice too.

  7. Crystal

    2013 will be my year! I’m 32 and ready for a new start. Your blog is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  8. Donna baumgartner

    1st of all I want to say I’m sorry you went through something so painful. It’s true that there have been horrible things happening to others but going through a divorce is no walk in the park my friend.
    As for me, 2012 happened to be a good year. Within the 2 years before that my husband had been laid off twice. I am kind of a worrier but that was one thing I never worried about before. Now I’m an expert at worrying about that! The guy can’t come home 5 minutes early without me needing a Valium!
    We lived in Florida, the Mojave desert, Montana and now Georgia in just the last 4 years.
    In 2012 after spending months applying he got this great job where he is now. :)
    I am so happy where we are now. I have 3 children who will all be on the east coast this year and 3 beautiful grand kids.
    For 2013 I would like to concentrate on some creative avenues. I would like to get in shape and lose weight and I would like to trust God more and not worry about what might happen so much. Even through all the moving and jobs and Valium, He took great care of us in 2012 and I know He will in 2013 too. :)

  9. Amy

    Though 2012 was an exciting year for my family, we welcomed our second child just a few weeks ago, I am looking forward to 2013. We’re still figuring out how to function as a family of four but every day I am more and more amazed by my smart, funny, sweet 2-year-old little girl and I cannot wait to watch her interact with her brother as he transforms from a tiny newborn into an active little man. In addition, my husband and I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary, and although I’ll be amazed if we manage a dinner without kiddos, I am looking forward to celebrating the past 5 years and the strong, loving relationship we’ve built.

  10. Vickie C

    Discovering your blog was one of my favorite moments of 2012, I hope you realize how many people absolutely love reading your beautiful writing and are cheering for you on every step of your journey! Cannot wait for your book and for your many triumphs ahead. Happy New Year, Andie!

  11. Michelle

    2011 a few days before the Christmas my beautiful girl left with a stranger instead of babysitting. Any parents nightmare. She came back on Christmas night! Thank God! I took care of her and shared so much, tried to teach her better ways. She got married last May and her and her husband lived for free with us and it was pleasant. I thought she was saved! This November 11th 2012, we threw her a B-day party and without any clue, she left us again and lost her way. We were shocked (my husband, her sisters and brothers) and hurting (grieving) for a while. At Christmas: no news… Now, with reflection and my faith in God, I must start this new year, free of pain because I know that we did our all, we gave her life, love, a roof, food, help, consolation, time and money, space, knowledge… And I will live though, seek peace, read, cook wonderful meals, exercise, do arts and crafts, clean, teach, pray and love my family, and hope for happier moments to come our way… Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  12. kimwithak

    Your blog is an inspiration and it is good to get such insight from such an young person!

    I hope that 2013 is a more social and enlightened year for you because you deserve so much goodness.

    Happy New Year!

  13. Alma

    2012 was a bit of a mixed bag for me–full of amazing highs and devastating lows. I was angry a lot and fell into old traps a lot. But I also was brave and took control of my life after some really hard years. I feel like I’m on the other side of it now, and I’m finally ready to make some more permanent changes. I have so many goals and so many intentions. I actually wrote about all of this tonight, for anyone who might want to read:

  14. DianeKay

    I think most people can relate to at least some part of your analogy of 2012. I know I can.
    My husband and I, as we shared a New Year’s kiss decided 2013 would be our best year ever. One goal is to be more giving and helpful to others.
    Happy New Year and may it bring you all your desires.

  15. Alannah

    For me 2013 is all about renewal… during 2012 my marriage hit a horrible rough patch… and my weight has become to much to bare… i have started a blog about my new weight loss journey… my goal is 120 lbs in the year 2013…. i am pretty hell bent on making it!! I wish you luck in your journey.

  16. Kirthan

    2012 was a pretty terrible year for me. I have taken to calling it the year of stagnation. So this year I am going to actively work on change. Not just on my weight, although that is something that I will be working on, but on getting a job and finally becoming independent.

    My other main goal for 2013 is to work on letting go. I finally understand the serenity prayer and I will be working everyday to stop trying to control things that are out of my reach.

  17. Carole

    Like so many have already written, you inspire me! Your writing is beautiful, and I admire your candor in sharing both the high and low points of your life. Plus – your recipes rock my world! I am wishing you all the best in 2013 and can’t wait for your book.

  18. Nicole

    Your blog is what inspired me to start (again!) my own weight loss journey. I’ve come so far in 6 months and know that with inspiration and motivation from bloggers like you, the next 6 months will be all downhill.

    Thank you for all that you share! :)

  19. Amanda morey

    2012 has taught me a lot about myself. I’ve learned how to be a better wife, a better friend, a better family member. It forced me to take a hard look at choices I’ve made and the reactions I had when they didn’t turn out so hot. In other words; I had to get honest with myself.

    I want to be a more gracious, peaceful person in 2013. I want to give others the grace and patience I have been given by others so many times this year.

    This year I lost 15 lbs and kept it off. I still have about 30 lbs to go, but now I know what I need to do to get there.

    Thank you once again for making yourself vulnerable to your readers. I’ll be praying that your heart is once again peace.

    Happy New Year

  20. Kelsey

    This year for me will definitely be a time for family. Often, we lose touch and I don’t really know most of them that well so this year I aim to call and email and share more. Thank you for many inspiring posts and I hope all of your wishes and hopes for this year are fulfilled x

  21. iscribbler

    I love your goals and they’re definitely ones that I want to work on as well. Being social isn’t easy when your home is your second best friend. :) I like starting over, but I like to think of it more as building – building on the strength that’s already there. Happy New Year! I look forward to reading more of your wonderful posts this year. :)

  22. terri

    happy 2013 and the start of brand new chapters in your life! it sounds like you had some really awesomeness, as well as some really emotionally sad things in 2012. the good news is that 2013 brings the joy of a fresh uplifting start of positivity! i wish you the very best and i hope that this year brings you everything you dream of! xoxo

  23. Andie


    If any of your New Year’s Resolutions were to make other people happier, you have already succeeded because I am smiling. Thank you for your kind comments and uplifting words!

    Wishing you all the good things in 2013,

  24. Stef

    2012 was a hard year for me as well. My boyfriend left me for someone else in the spring, and the pain and loneliness weighed heavily on me for the rest of the year. But the one good thing to come out of it was that I’ve lost 35 pounds and found a love for running that I had no idea I had. Things have been getting better slowly though… I’ve had several good talks with friends recently about how I think I’m ready to date again and even exchanged numbers with a fellow at a nye party last night :)

    2013 will be about continuing my weight loss journey and chasing the goals I have for myself (to be in my first EVER bikini this summer at the age of 26 for example), and also about figuring out how to love myself… Finding my confidence and my self worth again after I let another person destroy those already fragile parts of me. And, ultimately, I want to focus more on being in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. :)

  25. Bek @ Crave

    Love this post. You are, as I’ve said before, a fantastic writer. I’ve blogged about my goals for the new year. I love how you went through your challenges and thought about how you could have handled it before. Great for self-discovery and development.

  26. Kelley

    Your blog makes me feel so connected to you. You’re not only inspiring and have great recipes, you write so beautifully. That is so rare in the blogging world. I dicovered your blog in 2012, and it has been a pleasure reading your words. Thank you for being so relatable and lovable–you have helped me more than you will ever know.

  27. Carrie @ Season It Already!

    I do set a few goals, but I don’t make “resolutions” anymore. (I wrote a similar post on this.) This year, however, I’m going to add little things back into my life that I know make me happy!

    Cheers to a fantastic 2013!

  28. Lesley

    You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing, writing, cooking and motivating!

    Happy New Year. Wishing you weightlessness in 2013 :)

  29. April

    I’ve seen a lot of posts bemoaning how awful 2012 was. I’m sorry you also had a rough year, like so many people I know. But what thrills me about this post is the notes of hope and positivity. And in your reflection of the last year you are thinking about what changes could be made to improve the next one instead of just clicking your heels and wishing for a better year next year. Your positive attitude inspires me. I hope 2013 is great for you. Keep writing (even when it’s the pits!) and I’ll keep reading. Happy New Year to you Andi!!

  30. Meredith

    Thanks for your post – and honesty. It sounds very similar to my thoughts on 2012. I had a lot of great things happen to me last year – but I also moved away from my home and friends to be with my new husband in a very small town. I have a new job and no friends and many times I just feel sad about that. But I am stepping in to 2013 with some resolutions to find friends…join classes, get to the gym, figure out where all the friendly people are hiding! :)

    New Years day was a tough one when I realized that many of my existing friends stopped returning texts or phone calls. Moving away (and keeping in touch) is difficult on relationship maintenance. Wish I had the answer on how to keep a balanced life so it wasn’t such a source of dispair… All I can say is I will try harder in 2013 to make friends and be a friend in return.

  31. Catherine Chin

    Miss Andie –

    I’ve been reading and looking through your blog for some months now and I want to sincerely thank you. You’re stories and recipes and small windows you provide into your life are wonderful, bright, and beautiful. The amount myself and I’m sure so many can relate to you in your writing and through processes of different aspects in life is incredible. In a day to day life that we’re filled with feelings and thoughts of self deprecation, loneliness, and even plain weird-ness (I freak myself out sometimes how much I can be goofy), your blog has been something of warmth and friendship. I just want to simply thank you for blogging away, I look forward to your book, and CHEERS to a NEW YEAR and a NEW DAY!!!



  32. Amelia

    Not to brag but 2012 was the best year of my adult life. I travelled to two different continents, got a 4.0 in college, changed my name (something I’ve wanted and needed for years)… all things I did on my own.

    I also had an overwhelming amount of heaviness too. Seemingly out of the blue. I chose this year to deal with it. There were things in my past I worked through. There were things I accepted and behaviors I refused to accept.

    Overall, 2012 was a beautiful year of growing. I think it’s important every day of the year to give thanks and find 5 things to be positive for THAT day…not just New Years.

    Good luck in all you do this year and beyond!

  33. Delia

    Firstly, I love your site. Your recipes are a constant go-to for me, and it is lovely to have somewhere to go when I want to find something to cook, but also read something that will surely perk me up. Last year was a bit of this and that for me as well, though the good out weighed the bad, I think.

    This year is probably my most hopeful so far. I will be getting married in June, and hope to lose the few extra pounds that I have carried since college.

    I also may be moving away from the home I have lived in since my birth, a prospect which is both scary and exciting. I hope that this year I will also discover something that I can be as passionate and creative about as you are with your writing.

    I hope that your year is everything that you wish it to be, and I thank you for being a source of comfort and inspiration to me, through your food and your writing.

    Happy New Year.

  34. Cinnamon Vogue

    You know Andie it is your writing that is just very touching. Believe me I visit a lot of blogs but I keeping back to yours, like a drug. Because you make it so personal, interesting, inspiring and so many things. Even your recipe’s just come alive. There is life in them. They are made with character and soul. The photos are great, the presentation is fabulous and descriptions enticing and inviting.

    I think 2012 was not the best year for the vast majority of people. But 2013, I have a feeling will be much better. Keep up the good work. We love watching you. And yes you are right. Call those people you know. I find that human contact gives me energy and life. Lately it has been Facetime, Facebook, Twitter and Skype. I spent an incredible 12 hours on January 1st Skyping all my friends from all over the world. Sipping a glass of mulled Wine. It was the best time I had. Because after all without people what are we? Nothing! All the best for 2013. I know you will inspire us.

  35. Miss Angie

    I just found your blog, and I am very excited to start following along. I am starting my weight loss journey (sadly at 26) heavier than you were. But I’m determined. This is my year. I need to lose the weight.

  36. Leslie

    Over the holiday my mom lectured me about losing so much weight.. She asked (?) me if I was losing for health or for vanity, but before I could answer she also told me that if I was doing it to be vain that I would never be able to keep it off. I appeased her and assured her it was purely for health, but really in my head I was thinking of course it’s for both. I was vain at 250lbs, did she forget that? Even my chubby size 11’s were decked out in $400 heels. I’ve always liked make up and fashion, fat or thin, I expect that interest to continue. Anyways, to bring it back to resolutions… This conversation inspired me to resolve to be true to myself. Even if people in my life remember heavy Leslie as a selfless low maintenance saint, and demonize the thinner version as vain etc., to remember that I haven’t changed, my relationships and peoples perceptions have, and to trust that with time they will get used to the new me.

    1. Carole

      Leslie, kudos to you for recognizing the fallacy of your mother’s thinking. Sometimes people say very UNhelpful things, even though they might think they have your “best interests” at heart. And sometimes not… LOL!

      Hang in there, girl. I have a feeling you’re already beautiful inside and out. If others can’t handle your changes, it’s their problem!

      1. K

        My mother is similar in the way she criticizes both my sister and I’s size. She actually states we’re TOO skinny (I’m a size 6, 5’5, 145 lb 26 year old, her a 31, size 8, 5′ 160 something lbs.) I have always struggled with my weight but even before the new year started I was working out again. Sometimes, women’s perception gets twisted, I know mine does sometimes. I feel like my mother is trying to make us look and feel bad because she had gained so much weight and stopped taking care of herself long ago.

        I like coming to this blog because it inspires me to know there’s so many other women out there who go through the same struggles and strife, but manage to keep their head above water and push beyond goals.

        Thanks all.

        1. Leslie

          Funny you should mention a sister, during that conversation I wished I had a sister for an ally, or someone to share the criticism with. You are lucky to have someone to roll eyes at when mom gets crazy!
          Thanks for the support ladies!

  37. tiffany @ dynamics of happy

    i am sorry about some of the hardships this year, but it sounds like a year where you are learning a lot about yourself, which is always a plus!
    congrats again on the major accomplishment of PUBLISHING! you’re a rock star!

  38. Heather Scott

    Andy what a beautiful sentiment. I am starting the year fresh and with the goal of being the best Heather I can be. That includes healthy diet and exercise. I love your blog and find a real connection with you through your writing. Thanks for continuing to inspire all of us out in the world. I can’t wait to start with my overnight oats for breakfast. I still need to find a good chai spice. :)

  39. Megly

    I’ve missed these!! I love when you share about your life. And I’m so sorry it’s been a hard year for you. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to end a long relationship and then uproot your life. But your optimism is so inspiring! This year I am excited to start over from, yes, a diet perspective. My goal is to lose 20 pounds this year and I’m already on my way!! Hope this year brings tons of joy for you and a more exciting social life :)

  40. Noel Brannum

    Hi Andie, I want to start with a “Thank You”. You have been an inspiration to me since the first time I began reading your words. Yes 2012 was a challenge for me too, I had both of my hips replaced and quit smoking too. Then on Christmas Eve I lost a very dear friend. What a way to end the year! I too hope and have faith that 2013 will be better. You made me stop and think about the pros and cons of last yr and about alot of things in general. This yr I will work on my weight and getting active again. I place a toast to you my friend, To a year filled with lots of luck, health and happiness! You’re better than a therapist!!!!!

  41. Annie

    Andie, I just discovered your blog today, as I am embarking on a long-overdue weight-loss/self-improvement journey of my own. I find myself at the heaviest weight I have ever been, with 60+ pounds to lose, but your story is truly inspiring, and I plan to take it one day at a time. I, too, survived the break-up of a seven-year relationship and almost-marriage, so I can totally relate to your feeling of loss and bereavement. I know in my heart that the repercussions of that break-up are partially what have driven me to this place… it’s difficult to love yourself after the carpet has been pulled out from under your life. But I am learning again… one day, one meal, one workout at a time! Thank you :)

  42. Chelsea

    Andie, I find everything you write to be so inspiring, heartfelt and poetic. Going through hard times is not easy, and part of moving on from that process is acknowledging and sharing. Even though you don’t get too detailed, I applaud your honesty. I love your blog, and am looking forward to the release of your book.

  43. Liz

    New year, new smiles and challenges. You have survived all of last year, as sad as some of it was. There are better experiences, relationships and job opportunities and wonderful surprises just ahead. Right over that next hill. Stay open: openhearted and open-minded. Expect that they will happen. They will! May 2013 be THE YEAR TO TOP ALL YEARS, or maybe just a bit better.
    Thanks for all you do for us.

  44. Leanne

    Andie, I cannot express how much your posts mean to me. This might sound silly.. but just one sentence in I feel like I’m catching up with an old friend.

    This year was a tough one emotionally for me too… I had a heavy heart and a lot weighing on my mind.

    Thank you for your writing.. although I don’t comment as much as I used to (busier at my present job then my old one where I had hours upon hours to look at blogs… hehe), I still love catching up on your posts when I have time.


  45. Kimberly Pennell

    I set a 30 day blackout from FB & Twitter so I can re-charge my creative battery. You have shown that that pursuing anything I desire in life diligently is where I will find success whether it’s exercise, eating, cooking healthy. Those are my goals: exercise. Eat healthy.(caps: LOSE WEIGHT) Be a good wife and friend. AND. To give to God all of it – I’m not alone even when I am lonely or bored or distracted. Thanks for being real, girl.

  46. gina

    2012 was a bit rough for me, I am 28 and decided to go back to school…which some might say is AWESOME but it was difficult trying to juggle school,work,bills,my relationship and just overall sanity!My nana passed away a few days after my birthday and my partner couldn’t hold a job for months. I was always angry or disappointed and then the shooting happened. I couldnt be angry anymore about what I didn’t have and I decided I also wanted to get healthy I am 5`7 & 180 lbs. my goal is to lose 30, so glad I stumbled across it blog on interest!

  47. Kerry

    I just discovered your blog this week. It was exactly what I needed to read. You are an inspiration to many, and I hope you will continue with this blog.

    Here’s to 2013.

  48. Kat

    2012 was basically terrible. Marriage problems, living in a place I hate, and living in a place with no family or friends..if not for my daughter I’m pretty sure I would of crawled under my bed and stayed there. My weight has just rollercoastered from stress and then things getting better then getting worse again. I’m hoping, really hoping, this year will bring a fresh start and some honest motivation to eat healthier and get comfortable with my weight, something I haven’t been in almost three years. I’ve only read a couple of your posts but they provide some good insight I hope I can hang on to!

  49. Jennifer

    I just wanted to say that I found your blog today through Pinterest and I couldn’t be happier to have found you! I am newly engaged and looking toward my wedding in October. I currently weigh in at 237 pounds and all I can think is, “I really don’t want to look back at my wedding photos and think, why didn’t I try harder?!” Your story resonates with me in ways that are far too personal to share in this comment, but I want to say, “Thank You” for sharing your story and struggles with us. Perhaps you will motivate me to share my own for the benefit of others as well. :) You have a new religious follower!

  50. Terri

    You are so “down home” with your writing, it makes one feel empowered! I have a lot of struggle with my weight also, but not till I turned 40. My body completely turned on me! I was one that “never had a weight problem” could eat what I want, take that tummy down when I wanted, oh, the world was mine! Then after my 40th birthday, I noticed some things “out of place”. I remember the first time I sat on the toilet and felt “something” touching my leg….It was my generous skin, overlapping ….down! My belly had grown! When did that happen? Anyway, long story short, all my tricks I did before were expired. Then I started watching my eating, exercising(did this before but not for the same reason!} I have been waging this war (battle of the bulge) for 12 years now! Your story is the first time I have felt some peace about my frustrations!!! THANK YOU! Usually your age turns off my interest because I thought young people had more power over their weight, but I don’t think that anymore! I will stop now,(running out of room) keep up the good work and great attitude and I will try to match your vigor and enjoy more things that are important!! (LOUD APPLAUSE AND STANDING OVATION)(ENCORE!) ALL YOURS!

  51. Miel


    I encountered your site just today. I searched for articles on starting anew this year and your site came on top of the list.

    I like how you write, and I like your honesty. I am from the Philippines. The year 2012 was also a new beginning for me because I moved back home from the city (after 15 years) to a provincial island, to open a learning center for kids and teens. It was the most rewarding feeling. Lonely at times, because I didn’t have any friends, but uplifting at most, because of the new and challenging experience. For 2013, I just want to have the mental and emotional strength to continue, because I am no longer just thinking about and for myself. Back in the city, I was selfish. The province is teaching me service.

    There goes my story. Thank you for reading and I wish you the best this year. I hope you won’t stop writing. :)

  52. krist

    Wow. I just found your site today through Pinterest. Like almost everyone else out there, I am looking for a positive change in 2013. You are inspiring! My 40th birthday will be this summer and I am determined to make this year my best yet. I have a goal of 50 pounds to lose – which I have learned, will not just ‘drop off’ the way it used to. Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational and difficult journey for those of us that need someone/something to lean on. Hope is what I feel after reading your blog. I look forward to reading more soon. Good luck in 2013! And thanks!

  53. Jess

    Andie,you are so very inspiring. I suffer from thyroid disease so the 80 lbs that I need to lose is a challenge to say the least. You make it seem more possible though. Thankyou

  54. Reagan

    Ah, your honesty and genuineness is absolutely inspiring to read. I love that you open up and post what you’re actually going through, even when it’s hard. Thank you so much for posting this, and I absolutely cannot WAIT for your book to come out!

  55. Debbie

    Andie, I just came across your blog for the first time today. I can’t wait to read more. I’m inspired by those who blog their journey of weight loss. I have been wanting to do that for a couple of years now. I went as far as telling some of my family that I was going to start a blog and lose weight and they were excited for me. Well, I haven’t done it yet! I have a lot of negativity that has happened in my life with 2012 hitting bottom. My husband passed away in 2004, then I lost my son in 2009. Last year I lost jobs, was unemployed most of the year, and lost my apartment. I lived on a daybed in an office, a spare bedroom and currently on my daughter’s sofa. The past couple months have been a huge change for me. I now have a job, that I know is a keeper and I’m getting my own apartment in February. I move into it on February 23-24. I know this year is going to be a good one. Don’t ask me how I know — I just do. I feel it. After the move my plan is to take weight loss seriously. I want to lose 90-95 pounds. I want to blog. Every time I start I don’t like what I write because I feel like telling my story is too depressing and negative. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. I want to inspire people with my successes. I want to be inspired by journaling (blogging). Do you have any advice for blogging?
    Keep up the good work!
    –Debbie :>)


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