NYC Life

New York PIzza

So, I’m in love with another city. Big time. It’s been a week and a half and I’m already convinced of the goodness of my decision to pack up and move here. To Manhattan. I’m not sure how to distill it for you. I’ve thought long and hard about how I’d tell you what I love so much about the way I feel here, and, well, it’s a lot of things…a lot of things that include but shouldn’t be limited to: street meat, walkability, the everyday potential for Leonardo DiCaprio sightings, $10 manicures, Central Park, and Eataly. The whole place is abuzz all the time. The energy of the people, the bustle, the vibrating streets, the taxis whipping past me just closely enough to make the wind flap my scarf in my face–it’s infectious in a way that makes me want to be going, be doing. I feel, [here comes a sugary sweet drizzle of sap], alive.

subway sign

In one week alone, I’ve done more than I did in two months’ time back in Massachusetts. I’ve played tourist, walked miles upon miles every day, gone to trivia night with new friends (we came in fourth and won best team name: “My Mom Still Pays for AOL.” I drank my first pickle back shot to celebrate), I’ve gone out to birthday celebrations, overpayed for cocktails with my best friend, trekked to Ikea in Brooklyn and carried two kitchen chairs back on the subway (not without cursing and a now-permanent divot in my right shoulder), I brunched a bunch, felt like a fraud of a socialite without the right shoes at TAO, ate Shake Shack for the first time on the day of the Marathon after I had run approximately no miles, cooked umpteen meals in a kitchen that won’t even fit a full sized cookie sheet (tried it vertically and horizontally with no luck), and my favorite so far: I ate questionable street meat from a styrofoam box on the floor of my apartment with Sabrina, my best friend and roommate, after coming home from a night out–my first in the city (we went to B Bar and Fat Baby). It was the start of this thing, and a good one.

Here are just a few photos. I post a lot of things on Instagram, if you’re interested in following me there. More to come, friends.

[PS- I think we (and by we I mean not really me, but my brilliant publisher) just narrowed down the cover designs for my first book. Surreal doesn’t even apply. It’s still a year away from stores, but exciting nonetheless.]

[PPS-Mom is doing pretty well on her own. She tells me that she had “a really really hard time the first weekend you were gone. I just missed you so much that I ate and I ended up gaining a few pounds.” In the time since, she’s lost those pounds, bringing her down to 175. She’s says she’s eating the same basic meals that she ate while I was home. I”ll try and have her write up a post for us this weekend!]

subway car

subway artist


horse and carriage in new york city


Lee's art shop


magazine stand


shake shack


the smith


brunch at the smith


whole foods



43 thoughts on “NYC Life

  1. Renate

    I was looking forward to this post, thought of it as I was making one of your recipes for Sunday’s dinner ;) I’m so happy for you! Enjoy every moment of it – you deserve it :)

  2. Karen

    Glad to hear you love it out there. NYC is one of my fav big cities and I cant wait to get out there in Dec. First time to ever see all the Christmas stuff :)

  3. ANNE

    Hey Andie! I an sooooo thrilled for you!!! Glad you are happy and feel you made a good decision. Love your pics and seeing all the street life of NYC! Excited you have worked on book coming out next year or whatever. Hope you and friend continue to love it. Know mom misses you but oh boy, I am so happy she has gotten back on that horse. Continue to have a great time and be safe. af

  4. andrea @ my kinda perfect

    i’m so glad you’re having the time of your life! i can’t wait to hear more about your adventures in NYC! =)

    is it weird that i felt such an overwhelming sense of pride and excitement for you at your “i feel alive” statement? i hope not, because i do. it makes me giddy to hear about people following their dreams.

    go get ’em, andie! =)

  5. Noelle

    You’ve made it to the Big Apple! Oh, how I love Eataly. I was just in NYC last weekend. Have you tried the vegetarian restaurant? Try the gnocchi and, if it’s on the menu, the beet salad. You can thank me later. :) If you haven’t already, you must also visit Norma’s (inside Le Parker Meridian) for brunch. Thanks for your wonderful blog. You keep me motivated! Good luck settling in to your new digs.

  6. Sarah

    You probably already know this but I just had to let you know, based on the slim chance it has not come to your attention, than your “home” page is not bringing up the 2 latest stories- its stuck on band-aid cookies.

    I feel truly lame to reach out for such a non-awesome reason so I will follow by saying you have been a huge part in helping me get over years of disordered eating and learn to listen to my body and love my food in a healthy an nurturing way. Thank you so much for everything.

  7. sarah

    You are so brave!!! we did 4 days there a couple weeks ago and I LOVED it. I wished i was young and free to move and do. But alas I will have to settle for visiting. Enjoy yourself…and even though i wish you’d come to LA (cause in my mind we are BFF’s) I’m so envious that you are living in such a vibrant place. Can’t wait to hear about all your adventures. And LA better be on your book tour stop…cause I’ll be there with bells on.
    Big hugs

  8. Amy

    So glad to hear that New York is showing her most beautiful side to you and you have fallen in love! I can’t wait to go back there in a few years and show my boyfriend around; it has been too long since I was last in the US, especially on the east coast.
    Keep having adventures Andie, and keep sharing them with us!
    PS can’t wait to see your book cover, and buy it when it hits Amazon :)

  9. Cinnamon Vogue

    Waiting with baited breath to see what else you will get up to. What an adventure you are going to have. All the best. One thing for sure with all that walking you will never put on any weight however much you eat. Used to walk for miles when I used to live in Hong Kong, so I know exactly how you feel. The sights, the sounds, the hustle and bustle. Our thoughts will always be with you, thinking of what Andie is up to.

  10. Saree

    Hi Andie, congrats to you. I have been following the blog for a long time now. I love your writing and your recipes use to pop up at family events when I had the opportunity to cook back home – now I also live in a small space with no oven… keep inspiring many. I wish you the best with your new adventure. Many thanks for just being pretty awesome – Saree.

  11. Donna

    Hey there New York girl,

    Reading your blog is the best travelogue ever! We are thrilled for you – the move, the experiences, the future. I know your Mom is proud of you – me, too! We visited New York, checking out colleges for our son, and the city is so vibrant. I can believe you feel fully alive there. Enjoy every minute! We remain your faithful fans.

  12. Lindsay

    My sister works at TAO! Did you happen to have an adorable brunette server named Mary? :) So exciting to read about your new adventure! I can’t wait to read more. Sending all the best from Korea <3

  13. jeannine

    I love seeing NYC through other’s eyes. It’s an amazing place, and us locals take it for granted.
    Have an amazing time, it really is the greatest city on Earth!

  14. Angela

    What a crazy, exciting place and what a great time in your life, Andie. I am so glad you are doing great and loving it there.

  15. Nichole C

    You had me at $10 manicures, and street food. I visited NYC this past summer for the first time, and was only able to go for ONE day. It was not enough time, of course. Your photos make me want to go back, and visit right now! Gah.

  16. heidi

    Welcome to the big city! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it. It really is incredible. I have yet to go to Eataly (I know!). If you want to meet a fellow recent NYC transplant (Brooklyn), shoot me an email! I’d love to meet you.

  17. Amy

    Welcome to NYC! I’ve been here for 7 years and I have to say brunches are the best. I can’t wait to hear all about your food adventures!

  18. Becky W.

    Hi Andie, I am so excited for your new adventures in the Big Apple! I was just there for the first time ever last weekend with my best friend since first grade compliments of Oprah and Wyndham Resorts!!! We both agreed that NYC is the best place for a girlfriend getaway. We loved every minute of it (except the initial smell going down into the subway, but other than that literally every minute)! I love the pics you posted and which I would have been more adventurous with my camera and captured more of the environment and less of the food. :) What village did you move to? I think we explored all of them!
    I also wanted to thank you so much for this blog and I can’t wait to get your book when it’s available. Your blog was one of the first “healthy eating” blogs I started following and almost the only one I continue to follow regularly because you are so “real”. I have lost 50 lbs in the last year and I’m currently doing a kettle bell and HIIT class 2x week and in the middle of an 8-week weight loss challenge where we are really learning how to live a healthy lifestyle by eating whole foods and healthy fats and making mindful choices. It has been so empowering and you are part of my journey to health.
    Thank you so much!!!

  19. ANNE

    The great part of being in such a big city is the fact that you will probably get to eat about anything you want because you will be walking your legs off!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! There are two people from Louisville that have moved there and L O V E it!!!!!!! Have fun!

  20. Cat Andersen

    One of the best things about NYC that I love as a fellow-foodie/weight-loss recipe inventor : ) is how the pounds just seem to fall off twice as fast here because you can walk everywhere and no matter what route you choose, there’s something engaging around every corner entertaining you along the way! Have you noticed the same thing?

  21. Kylie @ immaeatthat

    Ahhh my gosh. That omelet. I want it alllll. I’ve only been to NYC one time…this past summer for my bachelorette party. We definitely ate at Eataly. Love it. Got some foccacia sandwich that was to die for.

    Sooo excited to keep hearing more about your new adventure!

  22. annelies

    oh, new york beguiles me. i’m glad to hear you have become smitten by it too. excited to hear more about this book of yours and its pre-purchasability…

  23. steven

    New York looks like such a decent city! So bored of London now, will be looking to visit new york sometime in the near future! Even in the rain it looks amazing haha.


  24. Sabrina

    Hi pretty lady. Long time no comment.

    Looks like you’re doing well! Congratulations on the move. I’m not far in Philly so whenever you head this way come on over!

  25. Fay

    Congratulations on your move Andie! You’re gonna love NYC. The whole vibe and energy just doesn’t stop. Take it all in – you’re only young once!

  26. Alli

    I am so excited to visit NY city one day. I have never been and it fascinates me. Loved reading this post and seeing your pictures!

  27. Grazing Dani

    O man. I know the joy of finally having another city become your city. Getting to actually live in it and not just be a tourist. You feel so alive, so important to be striding along with purpose across city streets instead of looking up at signs and down at a map. You feel just young and old enough to have it all at your fingers and you are! Enjoy it! :)

    Hope your mom is doing well without you. I’m also dying to read about her updates.

    For anyone looking for some more inspiration for healthy dishes, I would love it if you checked out my blog ( My most recents posts include a recipe for a delicious kale soup,a tex-mex tortilla pizza, raspberry-walnut oatmeal with sauteed bananas and pumpkin bread.

  28. Kirsten Leah

    Good for you! I’ve visited my best friend, who lives there, four times this year so I know Manhattan pretty well and am excited to follow you on your journey! You need to eat and get a shake at Kitchenette, get breakfast at Grey Dog in Chelsea (there’s one on University, but the Chelsea one is better), just walk around the West Village if you haven’t, and go to Battery Park City to see Leo (that’s where he lives–I actually know the building because my friend is a creeper). My friend has seen him four times since she moved there last year, so you must have a sighting coming up soon! I’m so excited for you :) Congratulations!

  29. Amy

    Hi Andie! Congrats on the move and welcome to NYC! I moved here 4 years ago and totally get the “WOW” feeling!! Welcome! I used to have to move my bicycle out of the way to open my oven. Gotta love small-space cooking! HUGE fan of your blog!

  30. Pam

    Welcome to NYC! I’ve been here 7 years and I’m still constantly in awe at the city. Look forward to hearing about the city through fresh new eyes.

  31. Melanie

    Welcome to NYC, Andie! I live here too and frequent most of the places you named :) I’d love to hear your take on how to indulge in all this city has to offer while still maintaining healthy habits! Can’t wait to see what adventures are in store for you.


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